Why Hezbollah Does Not Get Involved In Gaza Clashes – OpEd
By Mark Haddad
Hezbollah characterizes itself as a natural part of Lebanon’s political system and limns itself as a defender of the Sunni Arab world as well. It vindicates its existence and its role and importance to several states including Palestine (especially Gaza) by delineation of the reliability, integrity, and popularity of its militants and the contribution it can pay to them. Hezbollah has beguiled the Palestinians to secure their sympathies and commiserations for taking them into its bloc by providing its narrative in favor of Palestine statehood. Many analysts have inscribed that this will firmly succor the party in its hidden aims. Its attempts to inveigle the people of Gaza can be validated by its Anti-Israel description.
The harangue of the Secretary General of Hezbollah states that Hezbollah holds the tendency to diminish the whole of Israel by dint of its technology including missiles and ammonia plant in Haifa. Analysts have regarded these ultimatums as merely deceptive with no solidity. They have also asserted that Israel will counteract with a scorched earth policy and will surely single out Palestine (Gaza) as their chief rival.
If truth be told, there have not been taken any tactile and substantial measures by Hezbollah to succor Palestinians (Gaza). They, in deep torment and distress with no hope, have clutched the straws of Hezbollah. Some analysts believe that Hezbollah is trying to brainwash the perturbed civilians with designed propaganda to include them in its militants to urge them to fight for its benefits.
The itinerary of Hezbollah is explicit that can be depicted by its urge for Palestinians to throw their lots with Iran. Hezbollah is doing its best to format devious and guileful statements that Iran and its resistance movements are the only sources of optimism and chink of light for Palestinians after God. Recently, the minister of justice divulged Hezbollah mere a tool of Iran. Iran is maneuvering Hezbollah for the sake of taking dominion over Lebanon and Palestine as well. Despite its popularity, Hezbollah has also faced indignation and resentment from a group of Palestinians when in 2015, there emerged a scenario of the Palestine flag being laid over by the Iranian flag. Hezbollah does not have any matter of regard for Palestine including Gaza except to amplify the Shitte crescent.
Hezbollah’s claims in favor of Gaza are just limited to their words and speeches. There are not tangible and have not done anything worth it for them. In all clashes of 2009, 2012, 2014, and recently 2021 between Gaza and Israel, Hezbollah remained on the sideline. After the warfare of 2006 between Israel and Lebanon, Hezbollah claimed that there will surely be a war between them again and called the round “Inevitable”. After this sort of triggered narrative, it remained silent which was declared as something unpredictable by the analysts. Hezbollah’s militants hold great strength relative to Hamas and the recent war also ended with the cease-fire and without any interference from Hezbollah.
At the moment, Hezbollah is not in the favour of war with Israel. The reason is that the reconstruction of Lebanon has not yet become possible after so many years. Besides, Lebanon is also confronting economic instability due to the war initiated by Hezbollah. The Israeli bombardment in Gaza remained for 11 days and it also killed a Hezbollah military soldier. Despite such a severe trigger, Hezbollah’s leadership remained mute and hasn’t uttered even a single word. Analysts have also asserted that there are lesser chances of war declaration from Hezbollah’s side as the previous economic instability has turned most of the portion of the population into poverty. In addition to this, Iran is also engaged in designing agreements with the West, failing to support Hezbollah and Hamas to their fullest.
This truth cannot be neglected that Hezbollah’s militants are emerging with more force and power and a worthy battlefield experience. It is more concerned about its power and reputation. It even holds the tendency to strike Israel with possession of more than 130000 rockets and missiles.
Hezbollah is only concerned with its own political and military benefits. Nowadays it is doing its utmost to hold a dominant and stable position in the government. Formerly, the people of Lebanon were in favor of sectarian and community leaders. Hezbollah has taken advantage of the condition of marginalized and vulnerable subjects of society and strived to secure their favor and support. Furthermore, Hezbollah also showed reluctance in following the rule of law. Holding a powerful military force, Hezbollah has utilized force for both Lebanon civilians and foreigners. This all has resulted in its emergence as a source of sabotage and wreck for Lebanon. It strives to protect its power and makes efforts to guard and pursue its own and its chief supporter’s (Iran) interests. Hezbollah does not respond and rejects the accountability of its doings due to which Lebanon has suffered a lot in past and will suffer again. Studies have shown that Iran is found accountable for providing the weaponry and related stuff to Hezbollah with the assistance of its chief hub in Syria.