Burma To Target Tuberculosis In National Health Plan
As Myanmar is one of the list of 22 high TB burden countries across the world, of 27 high MDR TB burden countries and of 41 high TB/HIV burden countries, priority is to be given to combat the disease in the national health plan, the government said Sunday.
According to the government, at present, a five years national TB strategic plan is being drawn and the TB/ HIV collaborative activities are being undertaken in 17 townships, and the scaleup plan will be extended.
A total of 300 patients were treated with MDR-TB in the two-year plan that commenced in July 2009. During the period from 2011 to 2015, 1800 MDR-TB patients will be given treatment with the contribution of Global Fund, said Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin at the Advocacy & Workshop on Childhood TB Management at the hall of the Ministry of Health on Saturday.
The meeting was presided over by Professor/Dean Professor Dr Tin Myint.
Technical Officer Ms Eva Nathanson of WHO discussed Overview of Childhood TB and Dr Myo Zaw of WHO, WHO Rapid Advice on Treatment of Tuberculosis in Children. Those present took part in the discussions.
The group meetings were held on the Rapid Advice on Treatment of Tuberculosis in Children, Recommendation 1-10 and the 1. Diagnosis of Childhood TB, 2. Contact Tracing IPT (Isoniazid Preventive Therapy).