Kenya: Islamic Terrorists Bomb, Terrorize Obama Ancestral Home‏ – OpEd


Police and security forces in President Barack Obama’s ancestral home in Kenya said Sunday on a Fox News Channel broadcast that they are disappointed that they’ve not yet arrested suspects who perpetrated two bombings at a Nairobi neighborhood on Friday night, an Israeli counterterrorism source told the Law Enforcement Examiner.

The source, a member of the Israel National Police (INP), said that a two police officers were wounded in back-to-back explosions.

“Sadly, the Kenyan police have failed to capture anyone connected with the attacks. The group suspected of this terrorist action are believed to be members of the Somali-based Al Shabaab, who are notorious for planting bombs, leaving the scene, and having the explosions occur long after they are gone,” said the source.

Al-Shabaab is closely tied to al-Qaeda and have been involved in cross-border attacks in Nigeria and Kenya. Ironically, Kenya is U.S. President Barack Obama’s ancestral home and, during his reelection campaign, he and his minions have been touting the story that al-Qaeda is almost completely defeated.

The Israeli source said that people had gathered at the scene of the first blast, and then they were caught in a second explosion at the exact same location.

“The first bomb was designed to kill or maim as many civilians as possible. The second one was an anti-personnel device created to kill or wound as many responders — police, fire and medical personnel — when they are attempting to help people or investigate the attack,” said Peter Pegorra, a former police bomb technician in Harris County, Missouri.

The Kenyan police’s commanding officer was in the process of telling civilians to leave the scene after the first bomb exploded and ordered them to move behind the police vehicles but immediately when people started moving away, the second blast went off, injuring the commanding officer and one of his subordinates.

“Police counterterrorism experts routinely warn the public not go near the explosion scenes since it is an Al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda and Islamist tactic to lure crowds before carrying out the second, major blast,” said Pegorra.

He also noted that the preliminary report described the bombs as being improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that were allegedly detonated by using cell phones or a remote-control detonator.

Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri, CPP, formerly Fifth Vice-President, is currently a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, an editor for, and he's a columnist for In addition, he's a blogger for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty.

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