Hindus Critical Of Susan Sarandon For Branding Pope A Nazi


Hindus are critical of Oscar winner Hollywood star Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking), 65, for reportedly labeling His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI as a Nazi.

Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA), said that this comment against a fellow religious leader was unnecessary, unacceptable and uncalled for. Apology to hurt Roman Catholic community would help, Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, added.

As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Sarandon should be spreading love and not making hateful comments about the biggest religious leader of the world who headed Roman Catholic Church with about 1.17 billion adherents, Zed argued.

Rajan Zed further said that Pope was reportedly organizing a religious peace summit in Assisi on October 27 inviting leaders of other Christian denominations, various world religions and “some figures from the world of culture and science” to “walk along the path of dialogue and fraternity”. Instead of commending Pope for this peace summit, Sarandon was unnecessarily blaming him.

Sarandon reportedly made this controversial statement at a film festival in New York (USA) on Saturday in an interview with Oscar nominated American actor Bob Balaban (Gosford Park).

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