India Should Checkmate China By Recognizing Tibet As Independent Country – OpEd
China has never concealed its hostility towards India in the last few decades. China initiated war against India in 1962 and is still occupying thousands of kilometres of Indian territory. Pakistan gifted some area in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir to China to spite India and China has gleefully accepted this region as its own, not bothering about India’s protest.
After the 1962 war, there have been several times that Chinese forces have tried to enter Indian territory in the Ladakh area. China now demands that Arunachal Pradesh state in India belongs to China. The recent clash between Chinese troops and Indian troops in Tawang sector in Arunachal Pradesh will not be the last military clash between India and China and many more similar clashes will take place in the coming years, as China would continue its efforts to subdue India in variety of ways and will provoke frequent clash with India .
Certainly, the hostility between India and China will continue, as China will maintain tension with Indian troops as part of its expansionist strategy..
Under the circumstances, India has to realize that it has to necessarily checkmate China in whatever way it is possible for India.
India’s Response
While China is openly hostile to India, the present Modi government and the past Indian governments have been giving the impression that India wants to have peace with China, which has been repeatedly proved to be an unreal expectation.
China’s efforts to expand its territory commenced with the occupation of Tibet using military force during 1950s and since then, China has been ruling Tibet region with iron like grip, suppressing whatever protest that haz been happening by Tibetan people against China’s occupation.
Apart from demanding Indian territory, China is making claims in South China Sea, Senkaku island and other places, which are opposed by several nearby countries.
While China has progressed in industrial, technological and economic status in a very impressive manner, the ground reality is that several countries suspect China’s motives and are concerned about its aggressive, expansionist greed and ambition to dominate the world by emerging as super power.
Increasing Unpopularity
China is steadily becoming more unpopular in the world due to its human rights violation in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xīnxiāng and suppression of rights of Uyghurs. China’s often declared objective to occupy Taiwan by using military force has been detested by several countries and they are watching the developing scenario with concern.
Even in countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and several African countries where China is trying to dominate the region by extending huge loans and participating in the industrial and economic activities of the region, its interference has created a sort of animosity towards China amongst the local people in those regions.
Certainly, there is a worldwide view that China is treating the world opinion, which is suspecting its territorial greed and aggressive postures, with contempt.
Most countries which have no issues with China do not want to come openly against China now, due to the large market base and trade opportunities that China provides.
India’s Compelling Need To Checkmate China
In any case, China now considers India as its number one enemy, as it thinks that India can be a hurdle for China in its efforts to emerge as super power in the world. India has no alternative but to oppose China and checkmate the Chinese government.
One way for India to effectively checkmate China is to accord recognition to Tibet as an independent country. Of course, this move will not make any difference to the suppressed people in Tibet immediately. However, this move certainly would push China into a defensive posture and this will bring the plight of Tiber to the attention of the world and China’s human rights violation and aggressive occupation.
Certainly, China would become more hostile towards India if it were to recognize Tibet as an independent country. But, China cannot do more harm to India that what it has already been doing.
China is unlikely to enter into a full fledged war with India, as it would have worldwide repercussions and western countries and USA could not simply watch the scenario of China overpowering India nor keep quiet, as it would cause serious geopolitical imbalances. Further, the Indian army has been considerably strengthened now and any future war between India and China would not be like the 1962 war between both the countries, when China over ran and occupied Indian territory.
Trade Relations
Of course, some people in India may argue that India ecognising Tibet as an independent country would be a calculated risk, as India is still dependent on the import of several chemicals and products from China and a war with China would cause a setback to India’s steadily growing economy.
However, any disruption of the trade between both the countries will affect China too, particularly as there is a sort of trade war already going on now between China on one side and USA and European Union on the other side.
With China thinking that India has to be subdued to ensure China emerging as a super power, there is no alternative for India but to stand against China, politically, diplomatically and militarily.
The checkmating of China has now become a necessary need for India to protect its territorial integrity, as China cannot be made to behave responsibly by following a policy of appeasement.
Providing recognition to Tibet as an independent country would be a strong and much needed response by India to China’s postures against India.
India has morally erred by not protesting against China’s occupation of Tibet earlier and later on India even accepted China’s occupation of Tibet as legitimate. This is a grave error that has been made by India, which has made China take India for granted. India is now paying a price for not protesting earlier against China’s occupation of Tibet.
Further, with recognition of Tibet by India, several other countries may also recognize it in the course of time and this will be the starting point for the ultimate liberation of Tibet and restoring its glory in the eyes of the world.
I had suggested this nearly a decade ago. But we still accept stapled visa issued by Chinese to Arunachal based Indians.
Nations need to stand up against China and not let trade influence that ethic.
China is the world bully now, they are not a democracy and they took Tibet because it was an easy take. Now they want Taiwan, a country that became separate from the mainland during the revolution. China has been bullying everyone in the world to accept their false one China policy. Taiwan is minding its own business like Hong Kong was and they don’t want the communist party taking what they built.
Dear NSV, While I agree with all your arguments and logic, I donot agree with your conclusion for the simple fact that trying to checkmate China vis a vis Tibet will only attract immediate aggressive hostility from China; India is still militarily not strong enough to contain China within their territory in case oppon hostility or a war breaks out beteen the two; in all probabilty the war will have to be fought on indian Soil; Pakistan – (and now Afganistan purely for fundamentalist Islam pursuit) will prove serious nuisance from the western border; Other neighbours like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives etc will look to gain maximum advantage for themselves; America and other nations opposing China at present will render only external support – loan for purchase of arms from them.
Under the circustance it will be, in my opinion, more prudent for India to get more strengthened and wait for any positive action only when India is confident to stand on her own legs under any circumstances – confident to take the fight, if that becomes inevitable, to Chinese territory and not indian; At that point I will agree with your action plan; openly siding with Tibetian aspirations for Independence.
India should support Tibet and I agree with the author. Both the Congress govt under Nehru and the BJP govt under Modi haven’t acted against China, rather tried to be friendly to them, a very wrong approach.
My view is that India is a bully in its own right when it comes to countries in its own “sphere of influence”. Among its mmedate neighbours any view it with suspicion and disdain. Nepal was on the receiving end of Indian benevolence once when the land locked country was blockaded by India, so much so that it was forced to cultivate a growing friendship with China, attempting to forge an altetnate trade and land transport route in the process. This was so despite cultural and religious links that otherwise would suggest a natural inclination to lean more towards India. Ditto for Bangladesh. One would have to be forgiven for mistaking that China, not India helped forge the nation’s independence from Pakistan but nay, Bangladesh has arguably warmer ties with China rather than India. To India’s south, Sri Lanka keeps India at bay with at best lukewarm ties and instead chooses to cosy up to China rather than next door neighbour India. Needless to say China remains the all-weather friend of India’s ethnically indistinguishable neighbour Pakistan, completing the North, South, East and West axis of India’s menagerie of implacable enemies and indifferent neighbours.