Costco Offends Christians – OpEd
Why do organizations that have a very good family-friendly reputation find it necessary to offend Christians, especially during the Christmas season? As I recently detailed, the Salvation Army did so by adopting the racist ideas imbued in critical race theory. Now Costco has offended Christians by relegating Christmas to a second-class status.
In the December edition of Costco Connection, a publication of Costco Wholesale, the lead article, “A Festive Season,” compares Christmas to Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in a way that is downright insulting.
Written by Tim Talevich, the editorial director of the magazine, he offers a 111-word account of Hanukkah, a 38-word statement about Christmas and a 43-word summary of Kwanzaa. This alone would not mean much, but when we read what he says about the three holidays, it takes on more significance.
What Talevich says about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa is accurate and nicely done. But when it comes to Christmas, he resorts to editorializing, and in a way that is not endearing to Christians. We are told that December 25 is “likely not his [Jesus’] birthday” and that the “early Christians didn’t even celebrate Christmas.” He closes by saying “it’s a popular secular and religious event around the world.”
There is a big difference between these three holidays. Hanukkah is a minor holiday in the Jewish tradition, one that is not mandated by the Torah the way other Jewish holidays are (e.g., Yom Kippur). Christmas is a major holiday for Christians. Kwanzaa was made up out of whole cloth in 1966 by an ex-con who served four years in prison—five years after he founded Kwanzaa—for beating and torturing two women.
It may be that December 25 is not the actual birthday of Jesus. So what? Why be pedantic about it? That’s when it is celebrated. We declared our independence from England on July 2, 1776, yet we celebrate the Declaration on July 4. Moreover, if Talevich is quick to doubt the birth date of Jesus, why did he write with certainty about the Maccabees in the second century B.C.?
The first evidence of celebrating Christmas is around A.D. 200. What does this mean to the average Christian? Nothing. Lots of celebratory events in history evolved over time, for all sorts of reasons. So what is the point that Talevich wants to make?
Any cultural observer worth his salt knows the game that is being played here. In keeping with the cultural mantra about inclusion and diversity—which are clearly political constructs—he seeks to elevate any day in December that could possibly compete with Christmas. That is why he even finds time to mention the winter solstice on December 21, National Ugly Sweater Day on December 17, and Festivus on December 23.
Talevich is not alone in diluting the importance of Christmas. Secularists can’t cancel it, though many have tried, but they can create faux competition with it. Those who think this is an overreaction need to ask themselves how African Americans would react if we turned February into Diversity Month, celebrating our multicultural heritage. What would this do to the significance of Black History Month?
Talevich ends by saying, “Costco’s role in all this? We’re here with food, gifts and just about anything else you might need to fully celebrate December’s holidays.”
He is being disingenuous. Without Christmas, Costco’s cash registers wouldn’t ring so loudly. The food and gifts they sell are overwhelmingly Christmas gifts, and everyone knows it.
Recognizing all legitimate holidays is a good thing, but treating a major religious holiday as if it were inauthentic is offensive. This wouldn’t matter if Costco had a lousy reputation. And it wouldn’t matter if Talevich were a low-level employee. But neither is true. Which is why it matters.
Contact: [email protected]
Oh boo hoo. The fact that you even care about what a retailer thinks or writes about Christmas shows it’s actually YOU who doesn’t respect, or care, about Christmas.
This holiday was NEVER about gifts, trees, feasts or any of the other commercialized aspects of the present modern day incarnation of Christmas.
You really think something published by someone high up in Costco in a Costco release (not mainstream TV or news outlets) changes anything for anyone about the holiday? You’re delusional, out of touch with what this holiday is really about and by writing such nonsense appear to be the one itching for a ‘war on christmas’ so as to keep yourself relevant with the masses.
I guess if you can’t keep them in the pews with outdated dogma, perhaps a little religious outrage will go a long way.
Sir you seem easily offended.
I think the author is looking for a boogeyman. I am a born again Southern Baptist and I find nothing insulting or controversial in the statement from Costco.
Get over it. Practically everyone, even non Christians, know all about Christmas. It was a good informative article on lesser know practices. It was not anti Christian. Find something more worthwhile to spend your time on.
I am a Christian and not offended by Costco or the article. I do find your article offensive. You are just finding fault to create an issue. It’s offensive.
Sir, with all due respect it is your perception of offense that is at fault not the reality of the action itself. By opposing any other viewpoint except what you think is acceptable you pass yourself and the movement you represent as intolerant and arrogant. I am a Catholic and I take it as an insult to me personally that your statements are linked to my religion.
Why do “Christians” always have to insult other religions and other “Christians”? Look again, dear “Christian” you are NOT be Christ like when you do this.
Mr Donahue recognizes the great problem with Christianity in America, the increasing numbers of people who are walking away from the church. The problem is he is looking in the wrong place. No one is leaving the church because the Christmas holiday is not getting enough good press. Christianity flourished when leaders taunt that we could be saved through Jesus Christ and that we should fallow the greatest commandment of Jesus. Most churches do teach this, but sadly too many “Christian leaders “ dwell on what they perceive as persecution of Christianity and far right politics. Jesus didn’t teach against gay rights, science, history, immigration, welfare, or women’s rights. He taught about loving God and care for the poor and oppressed. You may not agree with everything I have said but the problem still remains that people are leaving the Church and I know people who left for these very reason.
Really…are you that thin skinned that you get insulted about an article from Costco? Get a life!
I read the same article and felt the same way as the author. It’s not casual editorializing. It’s meant to be inflammatory to those who read critically.