Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower’ Is Actually A Spy for Rep. Schiff – OpEd
By Jim Kouri
It was this week that the whistleblower who allegedly eavesdropped on the call between President Donald Trump and the Ukraine president was exposed.
But now Fox News correspondent Gregg Jarrett says that the highly-secretive whistleblower is not a whistleblower at all but, in fact, a spy working for Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
“The so-called ‘whistleblower’ is NOT a whistleblower under the law, as I first explained in a column 6 weeks ago,” said Jarrett, who is an attorney as well as an investigative journalist who frequently reports and analyzes stories regarding the Democrats and news media’s attempts at destroying and removing President Donald Trump.
Jarrett is an integral part of Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Show. Along with regular contributors — including investigative reporter Sara Carter, former Secret Service agent and NYPD police officer Dan Bongino, The Hill’s executive vice president John Solomon and Law Professor Alan Dershowitz
“The [so-called whistleblower is not entitled to identity protection — he doesn’t qualify. He’s an undercover informant and Dem operative who was spying on Trump and working [for] Rep. Schiff,” he said.
Besides Jarrett, other attorneys and law enforcement officials, have told the Conservative Base’s editor and former law enforcement chief Jim Kouri that Schiff and many members of the Trump-hating news outlets have kept the whistleblower out of the committee proceedings run by Rep. Schiff. The excuse is that their star-witness is in fear for his life.
“The man known as [Shifty] Schiff has been hiding informant’s identity and obstructing [and dismissing] all questions about him in order to conceal the evidence of how this informant colluded with Schiff and his staff to invent a pretext to impeach the President,” said Jarrett.
Gregg Jarrett, 65, formerly worked as a defense attorney and adjunct law professor. He is the author of the No. 1 New York Times best-selling book “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.”
Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Eric Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
“He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” Jarrett wrote in his book.
“Also, Ciaramella huddled for ‘guidance’ with the staff of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, including former colleagues also held over from the Obama era whom Schiff’s office had recently recruited from the NSC,” it said.
“And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said,” it said.
“Documents confirm the DNC opposition researcher attended at least one White House meeting with Ciaramella in November 2015. She visited the White House with a number of Ukrainian officials lobbying the Obama administration for aid for Ukraine,” it said.
From across the pond, one might think the real question is whether his allegations are true. There seems to be a strange reluctance the pursue the truth and see where it leads. Trust in the US as an ally is rapidly being eroded abroad and one wonders how long the constitution can staunch the rot at home.
Interesting in that everybody knows Schiff is a phony and crooked as hell yet nothing is being done about it. Much the same for Ms Pelosi, yet she remains untouched.
Why doesn’t Mitch McConnell simply inform Ms Pelosi that her paper tiger is a disgrace, hand it back to her and show her the door? Why doesn’t the Senate indict Mr Schiff for fraud and hold him accountable? Why doesn’t Carter Page sue the living hell out of the entire cast of morons perpetuation this nonsense?
Can anyone answer this basket of remedies?