Iran Claims IAEA Negotiations ‘Constructive’
By Iran Review
The Iranian ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has described the country’s new round of negotiations with the agency as “constructive.”
“We had about eight hours of intensive discussions. The meeting was in a constructive environment… we mostly tried to bridge the gaps because there are some differences in the structure, approach, or modality for resolving the issues,” Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh said.
“We had… progress… but of course there are still some points that have to be worked out at a later stage,” Soltanieh said.

“These are issues regarding allegations against Iran, which we have in many cases proved that they are baseless and with political motivations,” he added.
He also noted that Iran is “on the right track” and that “normal activities of Iran with the agency and the IAEA’s normal inspection of the country’s nuclear facilities is continuing without any difficulty.”
The IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production.
Soltanieh added that “these allegations will be dealt with in a professional and technical manner.”
Soltanieh had earlier announced that Iran had sent an official letter to the UN nuclear agency, in which it expressed readiness to resume negotiations with the aim of agreeing on a modality to resolve issues and respond to questions based on mutually agreed standards and regulations.