France Telecom Apprised Of Its Indictment For Psychological Harassment


France Telecom said Friday it was apprised  of its indictment for psychological harassment by decision of the examining magistrate in charge of investigating the Group for more than two years. The indictment gives the Group access to the investigation record and allows it to provide all items useful to its defence.

France Telecom said that while it does not deny that the company’s action in recent years may have been misinterpreted, causing a collective disorder that may have contributed to stressful work conditions, the Group vigorously denies implementing a policy aimed at deliberately creating stress causing people to resign.

“Initially, it had been asserted that this situation was specific to France Telecom. Since then, it has become clear that it is an acknowleged societal feature and that many work organizations (including public services), confronted with similar issues of environmental change, have similar problems, some of which resulting in most dramatic consequences. All observers of work life in France point out occupational anxiety in France, specifically due to over-involvement in the relationship of people to their job,” the company said.

France Telecom said it has since endeavoured, on the one hand, to put forth a comprehensive, innovative action underlined by many external and internal observers, in response to its occupational environment while on the other hand recognizing the need to involve in restoring individual situations.

The company said it still formally denies being the source of a deliberate strategy of destabilizing its staff.

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