Azerbaijan’s ED News: Multilateral Diplomacy Under Scrutiny – OpEd
By Peter Tase
On October 16th, 2023 Akbar Novruz, international politics journalist of ED News in the Republic of Azerbaijan, published an analysis entitled: “The impotence of the multipolar world: Gaza crisis, new actors, old powers – ANALYTICS”.
In continuation Mr. Novruz’s thoughts are very significant, considering the current situation in the Middle and Europe. ED News publication follows:
“The activities of the Hamas group in Gaza have already led to a war, a geopolitical crisis, and a flare-up of anti-Semitism, especially in the West. If the tension is not resolved quickly, it appears to be a strategic turning point for both Palestinian nationalism and Israel. All the processes taking place show how the multipolar world is full of chaos.
But before we start, let’s take a look at what Hamas is aiming for:
The group recently proposed a ceasefire, declared that it had achieved its goals, and asked for negotiations. We can conclude from this decision that the goal here was to threaten Israel and remind the countries of the region of its terrorist presence.
But there is another goal here. The main goal of the Hamas group was to break the relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which recently entered the period of warming and development of relations. With this, it would be possible to keep Iran as an active player in the Middle East region again.
Iran’s participation in the background…
In his speech at the International Islamic Union Conference held on October 3, the leader of Iran Khamenei gave a preliminary warning that there would be a conflict:
“The firm position of the Islamic Republic is that the governments gambling to normalize relations with the Zionist regime will suffer losses. Defeat awaits them… The situation of the Zionist regime today is not a situation that encourages being close to it. They [other governments] must not make this mistake. The end of the usurping [Zionist] regime is near.”
Both Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran have often stated their goal of destroying the state of Israel. But there is a line in Khamenei’s October 3 speech that I have mentioned, which, when re-reading, reveals an interesting point:
“So they [the Zionists] became filled with hatred. They are full of rage! Of course, the Holy Quran says: “Say, die of your anger!” (3:119). That’s right. Be angry and die of your anger. And it will happen. They die. “With God’s help, this ‘die of anger’ issue is now happening in relation to the Zionist regime.”
Here, the phrase “die of anger” may be an ideal summary of what Hamas wants to inflict on Israel. It is worth reminding that currently Israel has really demonstrated its anger both theoretically and practically. He mobilized his 300,000-strong army, started ground operations, and made all his forces active. In fact, no matter how angry the country is, it does not see anyone or anything in front of its eyes.
It is true that the Tehran official said the other day that he had no role in the conflict. It would be funny for a state that is one of the most important political actors in the international world to accept this.
This brings us to the main context of our topic: the impotence of multipolar world.
After the end of the Cold War, the 2000s brought with it several “old” and new actors. The point we should focus on here is the “old” actors. Russia, China, Iran.
Although China has repeatedly stated that it is a mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it is completely powerless in this matter. Iran and Russia are fully active in this conflict. It should be noted that the founder of the Hamas Islamic movement was the USSR.
In the beginning of the 2000s, these three isolated themselves from some kind of political processes and followed the activities of the United States, but in the first quarter of the century, they became a part and cause of the “multipolar” world with new projects. Russia, China and Iran have seized every “open wound” in the geopolitical arena. Serbian-Kosovo conflict, Palestine-Israel, Myanmar genocides, Ukraine war and technically Karabakh war.
All these conflicts have one common problem: lack of International Arbitration.
The current conflict may end with an Israeli victory and a “relief session” for the West. But I think the Eastern Hemisphere has warned the West enough and will continue to do so.
It should be remembered that there is another ongoing war, and that is the Ukraine-Russia war. Russia hopes to get a lot out of it. The United States and the European Union must either seriously intervene in the process, or we can already see a new world order dominated by the East.”
Author: Akbar Novruz