New race riots expected in Moscow on Saturday
By Ria Novosti
New wave of race-related riots may be held in Moscow on Saturday RosBusinessConsulting (RBC) news service said on its website citing Internet bloggers.
The Russian capital saw its biggest public disturbances for almost a decade when nationalists and football hooligans clashed with police last Saturday, December 11.
According to unofficial information on the Internet, retaliatory riots may be organized by ethnic Russians and internal migrants on Manezh Square, where mass disturbances occurred last week. Police beef up security regime in the city.
In Moscow, a 5,000-strong crowd of nationalists and football hooligans clashed with police at central Manezh Square on December 11. The fans were protesting police negligence over the death of Yegor Sviridov, 28, who was killed in a brawl with migrants from Russia’s North Caucasus region earlier in November.
The clash was followed on Wednesday by further disturbances as ethnic Russians and internal migrants gathered for a confrontation near a major train terminus in Moscow. Race-hate riots also occurred in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.
According to unofficial information, a number of unauthorized riots are expected also in St. Petersburg on Saturday.
St. Petersburg police is ready for new public disturbances, expected to occur in the Russian northern city on Saturday, December 18, local police said.