Obama And Feinstein Gun Control Effort Blasted As Hypocritical – OpEd
By Jim Kouri
With his reelection fears now gone, President Barack Obama is talking about his commitment to imposing restrictions on gun ownership on Wednesday without one reporter bringing up the hypocrisy of the Democrats, according to several police veterans and gun experts who spoke to the Law Enforcement Examiner.
Heeding the advice of his longtime friend and colleague Rahm Emanuel — “Never let a good crisis go to waste” — Obama is promising to support a bill to ban assault weapons of the type used in the Newtown school shootings, according to veteran political strategist, Michael Baker.
On Tuesday during his daily briefing of the White House press corp, spokesman Jay Carney stated that President Obama supported reinstating the ban, which was first introduced in 1994 but was allowed to lapse in 2004 by the Bush administration.
This new Obama pledge is believed to be tied to the news stories lamenting how the president failed to support gun control during his first term. But on Tuesday Carney told reporters that Obama will support a bill that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she will introduce in January to curb the sale of automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Feinstein was responsible for the original 1994 bill.
“Feinstein already shows a lack of understanding of this issue,” said former police officer Charles Schulz. “Automatic weapons such as machine guns are already illegal. These politicians are either ignorant or just plain liars.”
A poll conducted in 2010 by the National Association of Chiefs of Police indicated that 64 percent of police commanders and sheriffs favor a law allowing private citizens to carry concealed firearms for protection. Almost 73 percent said that citizens should not be restricted from purchasing more than one weapon. In addition, 58 percent of commanders and sheriffs believe Americans have the right to purchase any type of firearm they wish.
In yet another measure, Carney also signaled support for taking action to restrict ammunition clips, reducing the number of bullets to single figures, making mass killings more difficult. Obama is “interested in looking at” this, Carney said.
“He is actively supportive of, for example, Senator Feinstein’s stated intent to revive a piece of legislation that would reinstate the assault weapons ban,” Carney said.
At the same time, there are outspoken opponents of gun ownership, such as Senator Dianne Feinstein, who are carrying concealed weapons, according to WABC Radio’s Mark Levin.
Levin, a recognized constitutional expert, heads the Landmark Legal Foundation. The LLF’s goal is to protect American’s from unreasonable and illegal government intrusions and violations of the US Constitution, including the Second Amendment.
He also pointed out that it’s quite easy for these politicians — who are well-protected by armed and trained bodyguards — to tell Americans they cannot have the weapons they are entitled to carry under the Second Amendment.
“President Obama has a literal army of trained, armed soldiers in the form of parts of the military and an entire division of officers (The Secret Service) who’s job it is, once again, to make this not his problem for both him and his entire family. Michelle and his children do not have to concern themselves about these issues because there are literally over a thousand others who are paid to take that responsibility — up to and including eating a bullet in their place,” said Stephanie S. Jasky, founder and director of FedUpUSA.org.
A former New York City police detective, who was assigned to the mayor’s security detail, said that Michael Bloomberg talks tough with a crowd of six-foot-plus police detectives surrounding him, all of them armed with Glocks carrying 17-rounds. Yet, Bloomberg is one of the nation’s most vocal “gun-grabbers,” said the former NYPD cop.
Another New York-based politician, Senator Chuck Schumer, also packs heat besides his taxpayer-paid protection unit, according to Mark Levin.
The mainstream news media have been aware that several antigun proponents are carrying concealed firearms but have failed to expose this hypocrisy. This writer’s efforts to discover how many other anti-gunners are also packing heat — a right they wish to deny other citizens — met with limited results.