World As Global Sin: Art For Communication – Essay
By Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Hadzialic
Here might be the solution, finally, to solve the problem of numerous issues that humanity is faced with — if we just let the Arts lead the communications of human resources globally. Why? The answer is very simple, if we want to accept it.
1. Art is reflection of the human souls, heritage and expectations.
2. Art does not have prejudices and does not have envies.
3. Art is all about communication.
4. Art might be national, although it is always global. Because of being national.
5. Art is peaceful, provocative and always breaking boundaries of all kind.
As such, Art unifies the social and political diversities of all kinds.
To defend my thesis the easiest way is through the empiric research done on the analyses of the presentation of artists around the world within DIOGEN pro-culture, magazine for art, culture, education and science (USA&BiH), that has presented, since 2009 around 345 authors from more than 60 countries (prose and poetry writers, essayists, stage play authors, short stories authors from all around the globe) plus (so far), 79 artists-painters, photo artists, graphic designers…artists of all Arts in general from around the world.
Let’s start with Macedonia and Prof. Dr. Hristo Petreski, an artist:
With a sense of closed spirit within the being of strange suggestions, in front of us are openning various forms of artistic caterwauls. Hristo Petreski, multi-dimensional artist of the written word in the experiment within the comprehensiveness of the image, brush, water, fire and his own screams, coming sobered. In anticipation of cyclical repetitions, whether it is about the oil on canvas or watercolors….
We are all multidimensional creatures and there is a need for a just opening of all pores of our communications within dimensions of our inner soul to be able to, externally, communicate with others in a way of mutual understandings. We have to see our differences, even within own dimensions, allegedly different, as our advantages, because we all are red under our skins. Does anybody have blue and/or green and/or yellow blood? No. Just red. We should start from that point. Slowly, but surely….
And then continue towards Marcin Bondarowicz from Poland, an artist:
Talking about the visual poetics of Marcin Bondarowicz from Polish is very difficult. Now, according to the expressed thought, immediately raises the question: Why? Neither response is not easy. The essence of inner connection of consciousness with perceptual shaped enclosure of the external stimuli that create a vision of creation is a truly condition sine qua non of his artistic work. Empirically speaking, and writing about it, and on, numerous art exhibitions of individual artists of artistic reflection, I had a chance to see that the artist is always facing up to himself, mostly. But at the same time creating an explosive response to external stimuli that, nevertheless, make him, after all, a human.. Although he is the artist….
Provocation sometimes means going inside from outside and by dethroning existing visions might help us to see, and feel, better not just outside, but the inside world of our own. Do we have to be always right? No, and that is why the art for communications might be of big help. Namely, art is not just opening the soul for outside influence, but also help us to see wider picture od that just influence as well….
And further continue with Leonardo da Vinci, from Italy, an artist:
He was among those who knows a lot. He lived in a dark time as the light that imply the twilight of civilization, warning with a flash the arrival of the final darkness, just announcing with the burials and hangings of that time. Printing of his own footprints, as artistic and as well as ot the scientific visions, Leonardo did not hesitate to reach the limits of knowledge. Wheather he was gifted with a genius or a genius wise man desirous of proving, with presented ambition? Does the power of his knowledge and art was within hidden messages in his art or in the revealed harlotry of the human body of that time – the dark time, which hint the obscurantism of our time…
Artists sometimes gives a light centuries before. The light of hope for the humanity. If we can just accept, not waiting them to die first, that presentation, even through science and knowledge, before their death, we might be able to understand even better art for communications as well. We can do that. Simply, through media literacy for the educators, first and then for those who should be educated. Advantage of healthy society is not making your citizens reach of material things, but to make them reach of understandings differences, humanity in general and world knowledge within the common heritage. No one will take his/her material goods with him returning back to energy (mainly people call it God, Allah, Buda, etc…), but te memory of the world heritage will stay forever due to the presented way of communicating through art for the art of communications. We just need to use it immediatelly as it happens, as I mentioned, developing media literacy – especially through social media.
Further more with Eleanor – Leonne Bennet, from Great Britain, an artist:
Through sense of doing, being and work. She found that in the fury of the fingerprint with a slight deflection from everyday life by penetrating deep into the very essence of the issue. Issue? Yes, through our common language, simply put, “the problem of escapism.” She, by the power of action of her camera does not create a new reality, but, pausing her own thought, creates a true reaction, essentially within the realm of existence. Not just her own. But also the nature and personality of civilization of which she is the part. Eleanor-Leonne Bennet, whose photo-art prints we bring the permission of her parents, contacted Editorial board for publishing her visions in our magazine. But we are convinced that we would seek for her if we were able to see. But, blindness is cured now. And we did not think twice, because in front of us is not only the most awarded author in photo-art in the World in 2011/2012.g., but a human…
Very often we have to accept that new comings, new young and indigo people are those who are bringing a new hope, new visions and new intentions. Do not let your youth to be lost within the space if illiteracy of the adults. Allow them to carry the torch, because always, really always, the torch burns our hand at the end of our journey. However, the newcomers will come, always. After developing their skills, they will pass the message further. Please, do not wait for them to get old without having strength of power in their hands. Government today can be led by young ones, even under forties and thirties. They are not poisoned with the hate and exclusivity. They are rich with understandings and hope.
Then the next one, Frida Kahlo, from Mexico, an artist:
She loved life and has asked for a friends through yearning for survival in the harsh world of everyday life, and the story shows how she left behind, in addition to works of art, many letters for her own lovers. Her works were, for me, her lovers, but her letters were fingerprints of the brush twith which she wanted to intertwine her own appearance with the world of lust towards which she was striving, loving in public one man, but secretly everyone in the world. Through her actions, acts and aspirations…
There is nobody in the world that does not like life, especially within the Arts. Communication loves through Art is an advantage of inspirational people. One proposal: Every time when we decide to get into the fight with other and different ones, please, arrange a meeting of the artists of our own and the others and different ones. You will see, how they will easily agree showing that the “war“ we were planning was absurd above all. Example of Jerusalem might be the best. My proposal is to have a writers and artists of both sides seat down and talk for month and let them come out with proposal of solution for the so call “problem”. You will see that they will have it suitable for both sides.
Aand Remigijus Venckus, from Lithuania, an artist:
Not displaying the characters (most of their faces) within the print of eroticism (due to probably the traditional understanding of our (non)revelations in the country (un)burdened with dogmatical orientations), and by interwoven the revelations of Jesus’ body and the postmodern man, his male characters are just a seemingly bizarre image of the world we live in. Still, maybe this is the world in front of us, still within us, that is waiting for the ultimate (un)revelation and occupation of the position that has been silently and cleverly waiting since the 600 years before Christ in China and/or 500 years before Christ in Greece.
Facing with the truth that even homosexuality is not disease (loudly saying by my side although I am a heterosexual person) and that we have to respect it as any other humanity part of living, we will easily accept even new ideas, new thoughts and new solutions. We cannot be loud democrat and liberal and in the same time to say that somebody is queer is contradictio in adiecto. I am usually saying that gay is gay, but politics is a strange. By accepting other and different ones we are accepting the possibility for unifying differences, just as th3 DIOGEN pro culture, magazine for art, culture, education and science has been talking about for almost eight years now.
Why I am saying all of this? Simply because I personally think that much better diplomats and politicians for the benefit of better communication will be artists recognized not just by the side of my people, but also by the side of others and different ones as well. Not to become traitor of our own nation and/or people, but even better, to become ambassadors of a good will for the benefit of all, starting from my own country(ies).
Can we try? Having test period of ten years to see how it will work out.
Using United Nations as a starting point. At least.